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21 06 Foto ministrantes 21CBCAT prof thiago

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Sobre o palestrante

Tiago Pinheiro Braga obtained a degree in Industrial Chemistry (UFC, 2006, Brazil), masters degree in Inorganic Chemistry (UFC, 2009, Brazil) and PhD degree in Chemistry, Physicochemical, (UFC, 2013, Brazil). He developed the doctoral internship program at IRCE (Institut de Recherche sur l’environnment), Lyon, France (2010-2011). He worked as a postdoctoral fellow in X-Ray Laboratory, Department of Physics, at Federal University of Ceará. He was then hired as an adjunct professor in the Institute of Chemistry at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in 2014, which is professor of chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics for undergraduate student and professor of heterogeneous catalysis for master and PhD students. He is a member of the postgraduate program in chemistry at UFRN, where he advises master dissertations and doctoral theses. His main research fields are related to chemistry and catalysis such as acid, base and/or redox heterogeneous catalysis; Micro-mesoporous metal oxide and alloys; Catalytic valorization of glycerol and ethanol; Oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons; Synthesis of carbon nanotubes via CVD and Photocatalysis.

Palestra: Aspectos gerais das ferritas em catálise: Aplicação na desidrogenação oxidativa do etilbenzeno

Resumo da palestra: Spinels ferrites have a chemical structure containing tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Several ferrites are ferrimagnetic and have a wide range of applications, especially in heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis processes, in which is possible to extract the post-reaction solid by simple application of an external magnetic field, facilitating its recycling. Ferrites have several interesting chemical properties, due to the presence of acid, basic and redox sites, which are fundamental in heterogeneous catalysis. In addition, they present a low recombination rate of electron-hole pairs which are associated with their low band-gap energy, making these solids promising in photocatalysis. Specifically in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene, ferrites have shown interesting results compared to the traditional hematite-based catalyst due to its higher catalytic stability, minimizing the deactivation by phase change and carbon deposition. On the other hand, many surface reaction aspects still remain an open research field such as the participation of tetra and octahedral sites in the catalytic cycle.

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